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Truth Not War is a grassroots movement focused on providing clear pathways to challenge a cresting war epoch with education.

Creating events, actions & campaigns. We network & support with other campaigns nationally. Our focus is on passing the baton of truth about wars from independent journalism and whistleblowers.

We’re anti-propaganda creators, collaborating with artists from musicians to film makers. Organising prolific speakers pivotal to epicenter of the movement for justice, for their ability to drive home the most vital points, inspiring targeted actions for the future of humanity.

Our acute focus is on inspiring people to get creative & collaborate with TNW to make art or support artists who already have created political and educational material. We strive for maximum visibility, media stunts, actions & campaigns, social media content, radio interviews, story-telling, film, Q&A, book launches, artistic merchandise sales and discussion hubs with national stalls popping up at festivals and in cities and towns.

Our modus operandi is fierce, friendly and inclusive, we make space to network and share vital information for peace sake.